Hayes DDE : Hayes delay differential equation is a most basic delayed differential equation.
INPUT: History Function (Initial Condition, which is a function in DDEs case)
OUTPUT : Equation solution.
Solved Using dde23 on MATLAB.
Stability Chart for Hayes through SemiDiscritization: Hayes Equation.
Code to find the stability region in (a,b) plane for Hayes equation using semidistritization.
Equation of Delayed Oscillator: x”(t) + 2zw_nx'(t) + w_n^2(x(t) + (3/4)x(t-tau)) = 0
This is a 2nd order time delayed differential equation. Solved using dde23 in MATLAB.
P = exp(Adeltat) ; R = inv(A)*(P-I)*B : P and R will always have this formula. Just the dimension of A and B will change depending on the order of the differential equation.
Human delayed chain following plant and string stability curves: Code for plant and string stability of a human driven delayed chain.
INPUT: tau, kappa, (A,B,C matrices) or (a_0,a_tau,beta_0,beta_tau C) matrices in case of time delay system.
OUTPUT: Plant and String stability curves.
Human car following model or Car following model with delay. Considering Optimal Velocity Model.
Platoon_Following_Model : Code to study the platoon response of n vehicle to some given profile of the leader.
INPUT: Number of Vehicles, Leader’s Velocity, Initial Conditions and delay
OUTPUT: Follower vehicle’s response based on the an alpha,beta controller
Ring_Following_Model : Code to study the response of n vehicles in the ring to some given initial conditions.
INPUT: Number of Vehicles, Initial Conditions
OUTPUT: Follower vehicle’s response based on the an alpha,beta controller
code repository can be found at here.